
xianhua近日,一则“抖音爆红花海遭游客直播踩踏压倒”事件让无数人心痛,也让很多人开始自省:我们一边在追求着“美”,一边将自身的“丑”展现得淋漓尽致;朋友圈晒出的“打卡”美照,背后的行为又是多么让人不忍直视。Only two weeks after starting blooming, a field of pink and floating...



Only two weeks after starting blooming, a field of pink and floating grass in the Binjiang Riverside Park in Hangzhou, east China's Zhejiang Province was cut down after being seriously destroyed by selfie-seeking tourists.盛开



Pink Muhly Grass, also named Muhlenbergia Capillaris, known for its pink to purple clump-鲜花forming inflorescences,鲜花小镇, could hold colors for two months before fading.

Floating above the body of the plant in an airy display, the pink grass area was once used as a shooting place for a wedding company.小镇 Since the pink grass is hard to grow, caretaker Zheng Xianhua and her husband treat it carefully, almost like a child.

Early this autumn, the grass captured the public's attention on social media in China, including the video platform, Douyin. Soon after, hordes of tourists visited the parks, leading to damage.


\"There had never been so much people\", said the safeguard of the field in the Binjiang Riverside Park,鲜花直播, “It seems that they all come here for photographing.\"


The Paper reported that many people ignored the rope barriers and entered the grass areas to take pictures by lying down or sitting down.西安鲜花


As a journalist of Dushikuaibao, a newspaper based in Hangzhou, said, a father tried to take pictures for his son, but thought the grass was too high.小镇 And then, the father entered into the grass area and lay down onto the grass to flatten the grass.

After that, groups of tourists followed the father's footsteps and tried to flatten the grass.



\"It felt like my child was bullied but nothing I can do to protect them\", Zheng cried.话 \"After some pictures went viral on social media, growing numbers of visitors came here and took pictures.\"

According to Zheng, she has spent three years planting the pink muhly grass, which was imported from Australia.献花

Caretakers have no choice but to cut down all the grass to make sure it blooms again next year, The Paper said.献花卖花直播间盛开鲜花










Hangzhou isn't the only place where this happened.花束


Just two months earlier, a sunflower field in Ontario, Canada was shut down after only eight days thanks to the vast amount of selfie-seeking tourists who showed up, overwhelming the area.xianhua

这片花田名为“Bogle Seeds”,位于安大略省汉密尔顿市,于今年7月下旬对外开放,门票7.5美元。起初,人流量还在可控范围内,游客也井然有序地参观。然而xianhua,仅仅一周之后,随着不断有人在社交媒体上晒出“美得令人窒息”的向日葵花田照,原本宁静祥和的农场突然间涌来四面八方的游客。

The sunflower field, otherwise known as “Bogle Seeds,” is a sixth-小镇generation farm near Toronto operated by Brad Bogle and his family. During the blooming season, the family decided to invite tourists for a visit and charged 7.5 US dollars per adult. They also secured a parking place with a total area of 300 parking spots.

Everything went well until photos with the hashtag #bogleseeds were shared on Instagram and other social media accounts.西安

“It was eight days of amazing,” The New York Times reported,鲜花图片, citing Bogle.直播卖花盛开


Only a week later,鲜花, the number of tourists skyrocketed, with approximately 7,000 people visiting the field on July 28.花束 Visitors parked wherever they could, as the number of cars had already far exceeded the space available.



Some visitors then carried ladders and selfie-sticks into the sunflower field in an attempt to capture the perfect selfie for social media.

Others cut off the heads of sunflowers and took them home.

Blocking traffic and leaving behind tonnes of garbage, local police soon arrived to manage the chaos and began telling people to leave.直播

A “No Trespassing” sign was put up shortly after by the Bogle family, who then closed the field to sunflower seekers.








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